🇪🇸Solar Energy in Spain

European solar powerhouse with excellent solar resources and ambitious renewable energy goals, leading in innovative solar technologies and grid integration.

Total Installed Capacity

26.5 GW

Annual Installation (2023)

8.2 GW

Global Market Share

15% of EU installations

Regional Solar Potential

Average Irradiance

5.0 kWh/m²/day

Top Regions

andalucia5.5 kWh/m²/day
murcia5.3 kWh/m²/day
extremadura5.2 kWh/m²/day
castilla_la_mancha5.0 kWh/m²/day
valencia4.8 kWh/m²/day

Major Solar Projects

Francisco Pizarro Plant


590 MW

Núñez de Balboa


500 MW

Mula Solar Park


450 MW

Policy Framework

National Energy and Climate Plan

74% renewable electricity by 2030

Law on Climate Change

Climate neutrality by 2050

Self-Consumption Royal Decree

Framework for distributed generation

Solar Incentives

REER Auctions

Renewable energy auction system with guaranteed prices

Self-Consumption Framework

Regulatory support for residential and commercial installations

Next Generation EU Funds

European funding for renewable energy projects

Regional Support Schemes

Additional incentives from autonomous communities

Market Trends

  • Strong growth in utility-scale projects
  • Expansion of self-consumption installations
  • Development of hybrid wind-solar plants
  • Integration of energy storage systems
  • Growth in corporate PPAs

Key Challenges

  • Grid connection bottlenecks
  • Administrative process delays
  • Integration with existing infrastructure
  • Land use competition with agriculture